Tuesday, 1 May 2012

The spirit of the anti-messiah

In this great battle of the mind and souls of the world, the spirit of the anti-messiah is at work through the false prophet, spreading lies everywhere. The multiple lies of this spirit pertain to the negation of Yahushuo as being the Messiah Ben(Son) Elohai.
Beloved, not to every ruah put faith in, but rather test the spirits if from among the Elohim she results, because many false prophets have gone out into this world-order. In this you come to know the spirit of the Elohim: every spirit who professes Yahushuo Messiah in flesh having come, from among the Elohim she results; and every spirit who does not profess the one Yahshuo Messiah in flesh having come, from among the Elohim she results not: and this is the one of the anti-messiah, which you have heard is coming, and now among this world-order he is already. (1 John chap. 4)
The stage is set. All forces that negate the rock of Faith proclaimed by Peter work directly or indirectly for the dominion of the beast(antichrist) as the supreme leader of the world. First, his dominion is a power of seduction through his spirit. But when the mind and soul will be conquered to his cause, his dominion will spread with battle and suffering as a consequence of the apostasy of many so-called Christians.

The way of truth will be blasphemed because of the abandon of faith by those who were suppose to be witnesses to the Word Made Flesh, Messiah Yahshuo. Indeed, Holy Scripture warns us clearly of the coming apostasy:
Lest anyone might seduce you downward by any manner; if perhaps might not come the apostasy first even might be uncovered the man of the sin, the son of the destruction, 4 the one being set against and exalting himself above each being called elohim or object of worship, so as himself in the temple-sanctuary of the Elohim he might sit down, displaying he himself that he is elohim. (2 Thessalonians, chap. 2)
The falling away is the abandon of faith, the great apostasy. We are now obviously in this time were will emerge a great political leader who will seduce the world, and wage war eventually with all true faithful. Let us not be seduced or conquered by the man of perdition. His tongue will speak marvels and deceits, but our heart must endure only with the justice and mercy of the Lord, without faith and love from Eloah nobody will be able to stand firm. Let us be humble and strong through the only true mean that can save us the Messiah Yahshuo and the Ruah holy received at the altar of the one sacrifice.

1 comment:

  1. Jesus is Lord.
    I have been very interested in this topic. An order of things to come, like which comes first- Elijah or the Antichrist? Also how does obedience to law correctly be applyed in the new covenant and the restored kingdom. Reading Ezekiel, Isaiah and Zechariah leads me to believe that the temple sacrifices are in place and that God himself (or Elijah being a name of God as well as a type like John the Baptist, not one and the same) lives on earth with us. Zion being both Earth and Heaven at the same time.
    Interpereting biblical prophecy surely must be based on correct correlation. The basis for correct correlation has been set out for us by jesus' teaching but also the apostles in the writing of the new testament. The pattern has been established in that the law has been fulfilled by Jesus's death and resurection. Yet there is a tension that peace has not come upon Israel.
