“Behold me I will send my messenger and a corner-road before me
and suddenly he will come the lord into his temple whom ye seek
and a messenger of the covenant whom-ye delight
Behold he brought a word of YHWH tsavaot”
(Malachi 3 v.1)
“Remember ye a torah of Mosheh my servant,
Which I commanded to him in Horev for all Israel rules and judgments
Behold I will send to you Eliyah the prophet
Before a coming of a day of YHWH the great and the awesome one
And he will restore a fatherly heart upon sons and a heart of sons upon their fathers; otherwise I will come and strike down the land fishing net”
(Malachi 3 v.22-24 or 4 v.4-6)
We are entering the time of Reconciliation before the time of Tabernacles. Reconciliation for all Israel lies in the blessing of the one coming in the Name. He will purify the sons of Levi with fire to make them ready to serve the Most High in the Ruah Hakodesh for the Shakhinah will only come in pure hearts having been transformed in truth.
Christianity the religion of sons must come back to a fatherly heart by remembering a Torah for all Israel and their fathers must be restored to a heart of sons by recognizing the one Messiah of Israel. If not YHWH Elohim will strike down the land fishing net which means He will withdraw the protection of Israel.
Therefore Anti-Torah and Anti-Messiah is the work of the wall of hate having made us blind to each other where reconciliation was made impossible. But we must pray that the hand of YHWH will intervene for it is prophesied in Ezekiel 37:
21 And say unto them thus said Adonai YHWH : ‘I am taking sons of Israel from among the nations where they went and I gathered them from every side and I brought them back to their own land. 22 I made them one nation in the land, on mountains of Israel; and one king will be king for all of them. They will no longer be two nations, and they will never again be divided into two kingdoms.
Yehudah and Israel will be reunited for now is the time that we are confronted to a same enemy (Amalek) and his sons the amaleki who are now destroying the Christians (Messihim) in the land where they are still dispersed…
The Messiah has been appropriated by the Greeks and the goyim but now a time of nations is ending for the glory of Tsyon and the reign of Yerushala’im is coming after the pains of the Restoring of All Israel.
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