Thursday, 22 December 2016

The True Birthday of the Messiah of Israel

The 25th of December is not the birthday of the Messiah but a pagan feast instated in the time of the anti-Messiah Constantine a son of Esau. This message is for the House of Yehudah & the House of Israel in order to reunite all the tribes in the glorious land promise by the Eternal in the Prophets which you all know is much bigger than present Eretz Israel. The souls of all Israel are still dispersed in the nations. It is our duty to work together and see beyond...

Therefore there is the true date of birth of the Messiah of Israel in an effort to shed light on the lies of Babylon:

''Indeed out of the Ruah holy, the one eternal Torah made flesh was delivered into this world the day of Shavuot-Pentecost the 6th of the month of Sivan-June to accomplish all justice. He appeared first to the last ones of the people the shepherds, for he came to give back the land to the humble ones as he gave it once to David the humble shepherd of Israel. Him the little lamb of Eloah given to the one Israel on the same day that the humble Moses received the written Torah on mount Sinai.''

Excerpt from the book: The little Book of the Apocalypse p.15

In the Greek text of the gospel of Luke we see clearly that Luke is referring to the 6th month when Gabriel appeared to Maryam. 

26 And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from Eloah unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth... (Luke, chap. 1)

The 6th month that Luke is talking about must be counted from the religious calendar of the Hebrew people. The first month of this calendar is the month of Nissan corresponding to the month of April according to the calendar from Enoch of blessed memory  7th patriarch from Adam. Interesting observation our present solar calendar is constituted of 365 days compared to Enoch total years on earth of 365. That is sign of the importance of Enoch in the counting of days according to the Eternal.

23 And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years... (Genesis, chap. 5)

Therefore the 6th month corresponds to the month of mercy the month of Elul (according to the religious Hebraic calendar). The Messiah was born 9 months counting from the 6th month where the 6th month corresponds to the month of September. Counting 9 month from September brings us on the door of the month Sivan which corresponds to the month of June. It happens also that the 6th of Sivan in Hebrew calendar is the feast of Shavuot where the Eternal gave us the written Torah on mount Sinai.

Last sign in the book of the Apocalypse the Lamb in the Greek text refers to a little-lamb which confirms us that Yahshuo the Messiah was born late in the spring as all lamb are born in Spring to whom doesn't know that sheep can only deliver in that period of the year. 

Let us therefore comprehend that true Christianity can only be genuine and complete when its origin repose on the foundation of our Judaic heritage.  For the one Messiah came to accomplish fully the Torah and  the Prophets:

17 “Do not think that I came to destroy the Torah or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. (Matthew, chap. 5)

Bless is he who comes in the name of Yahuweh יהוה Elohim

Monday, 9 May 2016

Prophet Malachi: fathers and sons

There is a divide between the fathers and the sons. All discussions for the truth are good for they confronts us to the reality of the faith. The divide will be vanquish by the returning of Eliyah to put everything in order, to join roads together for the Messiah, for it is written in Malachi the prophet (hanavi) :

“Behold me I will send my messenger and a corner-road before me
and suddenly he will come the lord into his temple whom ye seek 

and a messenger of the covenant whom-ye delight 
Behold he brought a word of YHWH tsavaot”
(Malachi 3 v.1)

“Remember ye a torah of Mosheh my servant,
Which I commanded to him in Horev for all Israel rules and judgments

Behold I will send to you Eliyah the prophet
Before a coming of a day of YHWH the great and the awesome one
And he will restore a fatherly heart upon sons and a heart of sons upon their fathers; otherwise I will come and strike down the land fishing net”
(Malachi 3 v.22-24 or 4 v.4-6)

We are entering the time of Reconciliation before the time of Tabernacles. Reconciliation for all Israel lies in the blessing of the one coming in the Name. He will purify the sons of Levi with fire to make them ready to serve the Most High in the Ruah Hakodesh for the Shakhinah will only come in pure hearts having been transformed in truth.

Christianity the religion of  sons must come back to a fatherly heart by remembering a Torah for all Israel and their fathers must be restored to a heart of sons by recognizing the one Messiah of Israel. If not YHWH Elohim will strike down the land fishing net which means He will withdraw the protection of Israel. 

Therefore Anti-Torah and Anti-Messiah is the work of the wall of hate having made us blind to each other where reconciliation was made impossible. But we must pray that the hand of YHWH will intervene for it is prophesied in Ezekiel 37:

21 And say unto them thus said Adonai YHWH : ‘I am taking sons of Israel from among the nations where they went and I gathered them from every side and I brought them back to their own land. 22 I made them one nation in the land, on mountains of Israel; and one king will be king for all of them. They will no longer be two nations, and they will never again be divided into two kingdoms.

Yehudah and Israel will be reunited for now is the time that we are confronted to a same enemy (Amalek) and his sons the amaleki who are now destroying the Christians (Messihim) in the land where they are still dispersed…

The Messiah has been appropriated by the Greeks and the goyim but now a time of nations is ending for the glory of Tsyon and the reign of Yerushala’im is coming after the pains of the Restoring of All Israel.

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Shema Israel Deuteronomy 6:4

The Shema Israel is a real proclamation of faith in the one Elohim. It reveals the perfect communion inside the divine nature the movement of love to conquer hearts and souls to make them enter the power of divine love.

Shema Israel-Listen Israel: YHWH enters in relation with his chosen ones
YHWH Eloheinu: the suffixe 'nu' in Elohei a plural form expresses the multiple expressions of the Divine in His People identifying with us-'nu'. This is confirmed later on in the Prophets when YHWH wants to be with us as ImmaNU-EL...

YHWH Ehad: YHWH is one: this contrary to the Jews and the Muslims does not imply that the Divine is alone as one self. The 'one' proclaims the unity in the Elohim when a communion of Persons is implied and actually previously stated in the EloheiNu.

The analogy to understand is the church who is one messianic body composed of a multitude of persons where our common nature is the nature of the Messiah who transforms us to be like him by the mean of holy communion to his resurrected flesh and his divine holy blood.

Therefore the Messiah express the perfect union between the divine nature and our humanity sanctified where the one Israel is called to a perfect communion in the one Elohim

You will love YHWH Eloheikha: YHWH your Elohim in all your heart, in all your soul, in all your strength... For the purpose of the commandments is to set the elect on the right path to enter a communion of love in all our being to be transformed in the power of the Ruah holy in the one Yahushuo (YHWH saves) to be one in YHWH Eloheinu

Bless be the one Elohei of Israel who gave us the tremendous calling to his Glory!!