Sunday, 17 June 2012

Dividers can not be born again!!

Dividers spread the lie that they are born again from the Holy Spirit! The reality is they do not know the reality of truly being born again of the holy One.

What is to be born of the Spirit? Only through the cross of Yahshuo can we passover death and enter in the realm of the resurrection. The ones who did not entered the fire of sanctification through the holy blood of the total covenant can not be born of the holy One. The continual process of spiritual growth in spirit and truth must be matured to the fullness of the stature of the Messiah in the inner man.

The new birth is accomplished when the Messiah is fully grown in us to his full stature. Only then can we be real worshipers in spirit and truth. And the sign that will seal this election will be a full Pentecost into the new child of Elohai making him incapable of sinning anymore, for it written in 1 John 3:

9 Every one having been begotten from the Elohim a sin no more he does, because his seed in him remains; even he can no more sin, because from among the Elohim he has been begotten.  (1 John, chap. 3)

Now if you think that you are born again and still sin you are deceived! The Holy Spirit teaches us this truth!

Have you been through the fire of the Holy Spirit? Have you Passover with the Messiah into the resurrection? Have you stopped sinning?

Repent and let go of the spirit of division! For no one of the dividers will be of the elect and reign with the Messiah. Only those truly borne of the Holy Spirit can be sons of Light and partakers of the world to come!!

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