The Messiah Yahshuo once asked his disciples: Who people
think I am? Some responded John the Baptist, others Eliyah... Peter
confessed that He was the Messiah the son of the Elohim the living
The Greek text is: ''ἀποκριθεὶς δὲ Σίμων Πέτρος εἶπε· Σὺ εἶ ὁ Χριστὸς ὁ υἱὸς τοῦ Θεοῦ τοῦ ζῶντος.'' (Matthew ch. 16 v. 16)
The quality of the son is to be seen in reference to the humanity of the Messiah accomplishing all justice to open us the way to become also sons of the Elohim (bene Elohim). The incarnation of the Messiah is the mercy given to men in order for them to become sons of the Elohim through the son Messiah Yahushuo. For in the Messiah YAHUSHUO which name means YAHUWEH saves his people, His seed is planted in the virgin Land of the womb of Maryam in order to produce the Messiah Savior of Israel. We see the one Elohim descending from the heavens revealing himself in the form of a man, this ultimate mercy shows us the infinite love of the Elohim for his people created the last, called to be the first by pure liberty of his love.
But to this plan the enemy is to make opposition to the elevation of men, all his snares are to impede men wanting to enter the narrow path. Therefore the anti-Messiah must come from the tribe of
Dan for he will be a viper by the path... as prophesied in the Torah: Genesis 49 v.17 Here the path is
the path of the Messiah, a viper by the path means that he is there to hinder the march of those who follow the path.
Here is the prophecy from Genesis 49 concerning Dan and his descendants:
“Dan shall judge his people
As one of the tribes of Israel.
17 Dan shall be a serpent by the way,
A viper by the path,
That bites the horse’s heels
So that its rider shall fall backward.
18 I have waited for your salvation, O Lord!
Why Dan is this viper? The definition of a viper will shed light from where also should come forth the anti-Messiah: ''any of several venomous Old World snakes of the genus Vipera, especially V. berus, a small snake common in northern Eurasia.''
Northern Eurasia is the territory of the actual Russia. It is the territory of the mission of the apostle Andrew identified with Dan and his lost away descendants who mixed with the sons of Yaphet. North of the Danube is also the territory identified with Dan. This fact corroborates the prophecy of Ezechiel on Gog from Magog where the territory of Magog refers to all northern territory North of Israel. Where the ROSH the Head of the North shall lead many nations against Israel.
To this the Eternal Elohei of Israel will send Eliyah Hanavi (the Prophet) to combat the deceptions and snares of Babylon:
Excerpt from the little Book of the Apocalypse: Revelation of Eliyah p.16:
in Yerushala’im a rejection from part of the nation to be appropriated by foreign
nations transforming the true religion in an alien expression of faith
estranged to the Yehudim, where even the date of birth of the Messiah was changed
and concealed by the workers of Babylon by the deeds of Nicolaitans to please
pagans and emperors instead of the one Elohim in his unchanging feasts. Therefore
the divide was consummated preventing the union of Israel with Yehudah until
the days of the end where in a final spiritual combat the revelation of Eliyah
will put everything in order:
11 The
moreover being set apart he said to them: “Eliyah
truly is coming first and will restore all. (Matthew,
chap. 17)